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Take part in our 2024 Christmas Quiz featuring 25 fun and festive questions!

  1. In what country is fried chicken often eaten on Christmas day? 



  1. In what country did the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree originate? 



  1. What star sign would you be if you were born on Christmas Day? 



  1. In which century was the term ‘Xmas’ coined? 



  1. Which spirit is usually added to and served with Christmas pudding? 


  1. What is the best-selling Christmas song of all time? 



  1.  In the film Home Alone, which city did the McCallister family visit, leaving the protagonist Kevin behind? 



  1. What country started the tradition of gifting chocolate coins? 



  1. In which tin of chocolates would you find ‘The Green Triangle’? 



  1.  Who was the first English king to have turkey for Christmas? 



  1.  When do the 12 days of Christmas start? 



  1. How many Reindeer does Santa have? 


  1. Mince pies used to contain real minced meat. True or false? 


  1. Where is the Christmas tree that’s displayed in London’s Trafalgar Square gifted from? 



  1.  During WW2 and the rationing of food, what did people eat instead of Christmas pudding? 



  1.  Who tried to make Christmas illegal in England from 1647 to 1660? 


  1.   In the 12 days of Christmas song, what did true love give to the singer on the second day of Christmas? 


  1. How many years do Christmas trees grow before they are sold? 


  1.  What beverage company has been using Santa Claus in its advertising since 1931? 


  1. What was the first song broadcast from space? 


  1. How many ghosts visit Scrooge in A Christmas Carol


  1.  In which modern-day country was Saint Nicholas born? 


  1. What’s the best-selling Christmas movie of all time? 


  1. In the movie, ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’, what happened every time a bell rang? 



25 BONUS: (3 POINTS) Approximately How many lights does the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in New York City have? 




Answers below.....


  1. Japan 

  2. Germany 

  3. Capricorn 

  4. 16th century  

  5. Brandy 

  6. White Christmas 

  7. Paris 

  8. America 

  9. Quality Street 

  10. Henry VIII 

  11. December 25 

  12. 9 reindeers 

  13. True  

  14. Norway  

  15. Carrots/ carrot pudding 

  16. Oliver Cromwell, 

  17. Turtle Doves 

  18. 15 years 

  19. Coca Cola 

  20. Jingle Bells 

  21. Three or Four (Depending on which version)

  22. Turkey  

  23. Home Alone 

  24. An Angel Gained their wings 

  25. 50,000 Lights 


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